Interested in privacy-enhancing technology? How to get involved at Open Whisper Systems.

moxie0 on 10 Jun 2013

Open Whisper Systems is a project focused on developing Open Source security and privacy apps for the mobile environment. With all of the recent discussion about PRISM, Boundless Informant, and FISA orders, there has been a surge of new users and inquiries about how to get involved.

If you’re interested in the project, here are some ways to help out Open Whisper Systems:

  • Use the software and provide feedback. One of the best ways to help is by providing valuable user feedback. Install TextSecure or RedPhone and file bugs you encounter or features you feel are missing on the issue tracker.
  • Help spread the word! Tell a friend.
  • Translate to non-English languages. Localizing the software for different regions helps ensure we can distribute it as widely as possible. You can help with translation by joining the Transifex translation teams for TextSecure and RedPhone.
  • Contribute code. If you’re a software developer, pull requests are invaluable. A good place to start is with any of the many outstanding issues on GitHub. If there are features or other areas of interest that you’re drawn to – get in touch, or just get started.
  • Design. If you’re a designer, we are in dangerous need of assistance. If you get in touch we can send you a current list of areas we need help with (as if it isn’t already obvious).
  • Funding. Lastly, if you don’t have any time to spare, but still want to contribute, you can donate via the Freedom of the Press Foundation.