Winter Break of Code, Day Two
By all rights, I should not be here. My application was last-minute to say the least, and little more than a casual note that I’d be down to reprise my role from SBoC as web hacker for Maybe it was because of my work in the previous months on tweaking the site layout to be responsive, or because @bcrypt (who is infinitely more qualified) was too dedicated to her work at the EFF to take the time off, or because my birthday happened to fall on this week, but for one reason or another, the universe smiled, and here I am.
Yesterday I celebrated the 28th anniversary of my birth in the style to which we have quickly become accustomed in this corner of paradise. It started with the daily stand-up meeting where each of us summarized the previous day’s accomplishments and our plans for the current day. Then came a bit of product team discussion on @mkhandekar’s specs for a website refresh. Around noon I had a couple pull requests merged into the main repo and happily collected my 0.05BTC from the Whisper Systems Bithub instance in return.
After lunch I started roughing out the new website URL and page structure, as well as doing some refactoring of existing content into partials and converting CSS into Sass. All this was interspersed with a few breaks to practice the diabolo tricks I’ve picked up from @clpwn, a brief afternoon surf sesh, and a sunset hike up the Okolehao trail. After a couple of group-selfies (selvies?) overlooking Hanalei bay, we headed back to our beautiful beach house for a epic feast of homemade sushi!
There wasn’t any cake, but it didn’t matter, because I really couldn’t have asked for a nicer day.
Kauai, Hawaii
8 January 2014